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Sculpture Call for Entries

Eight years ago, the first temporary sculpture outdoor exhibition was held along Heights Boulevard in Houston, TX. Since then, the program has been expanded to major Houston thoroughfares (boulevards, roads, avenues) with traffic volumes up to 25,000 vehicles per day.

The sites are City of Houston and/or private properties. Additional exhibitions are planned for both existing and future locations.

The curators of these programs are seeking proposals for future temporary art installations. The sculptures are typically up for a 9-month duration. The content should be acceptable to the general public. The outdoor pieces are situated in grassy areas or on 5’x5’ concrete pads provided by the sponsor. The total weight should be under 1,000 pounds and the sculpture should fit in a spatial area of an approximate 10-foot cube. The artist is responsible for the transport to and from the site. The pieces will not be insured.

Please send up to 3 renderings (jpegs) of future or existing art pieces that you would like to be considered for this program. The stipend is $2,500, payable on acceptance.


Submit your proposals by October 15, 2020 at:

Thank you and stay safe,
Gus Kopriva, Redbud Gallery Owner
Tanja Peterson, Redbud Gallery Director

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